Let President Obama know: We want a Supreme Court Justice for equal rights

Let President Obama know that his nominee for the Supreme Court should be someone who understands equal rights is not a one-sided issue. Men's rights should not be left by the wayside.

You can contact the administration here.

I sent the following letter.

Mr. President,

One of the reasons I voted for you is I believe you are a wise, far-sighted individual with a firm grasp on what progress really entails. I urge you to strongly consider a Supreme Court Justice who is similarly far-sighted in the area of civil rights, specifically in the area of gender fairness. The women’s rights movement has achieved a great deal of progress toward gender equality in the law, in the workplace, and socially. However, we should not discount the equal importance of men’s rights.

I believe this is a critical time in our country’s – and our species’ – journey. Choices made today will have long-lasting effects on the future of American politics and global issues. One of these issues is whether we believe in equal rights for both women AND men? Some areas of concern in the men’s rights movement are the family court bias against fathers and shared custody, violence laws that protect only one sex and marginalize male victims of domestic violence and prison rape, the criminal sentencing disparity against males and African Americans, and selective service based on gender. Rigid social expectations enforced on men tell us we are to be strong, we are to grin and bear all hardships, and thus society’s indifference to discrimination against us continues to receive little attention.

I believe you are a supporter of equal rights. I urge you to nominate a Supreme Court Justice who understands the importance of equal rights for every human being regardless of age, race, or gender, and knows that discrimination against any group should never be made legal. I urge you to choose a Justice whose vision for the future is as keen as your own.

I am 25 years old and have only recently become interested in politics. Your election gave me great hope for the future of America and inspired me to become involved. May your wisdom and open mind prevail in propelling the United States successfully forward into the 21st century.

J. Hammers

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