Commentary on current case of woman fleeing with son to avoid chemotherapy

Article here. Excerpt:

'For most parents, the moment they first hold their newborns, they realize what lengths they might go to in order to protect their child. From fighting off lions to jumping in front of speeding cars, parents would be willing to battle any demon that they had to for the sake of their child's safety. Daniel Hauser's parents are no different. His mother genuinely believes that the chemotherapy treatments that might save his life could also destroy him.

Thirteen year old Daniel Hauser was diagnosed in January of 2009 with Hodgkin's lymphoma. His parents have decided, based on their religious beliefs, that Daniel's cancer would be treated better through the use of alternative medicines or alternatives in combination with chemotherapy.
I know that it cannot be easy to see your child sick as a direct result of medication, and I know that turning your trust over to someone else while denying your beliefs is enough to make anyone ill. With Daniel, however, his parents just don't have a choice. Parents of sick children must consult experts about viable treatment options available so they can make informed choices that may be contrary to their personal and religious beliefs.'

If the mother had been the father, would the tone of this commentary be quite so cordial?

Note: For those new to this case, a video report is here.

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