RADAR ALERT: Play the Abuse Card, Win a Green Card

"Immigration laws are being manipulated by women claiming domestic violence to gain citizenship," says immigration law attorney Nicomedes Suriel. "Women have found a loophole in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)". (cite) Mr. Suriel was commenting on the case of Reed Simon, whose Ukrainian ex-wife's phony accusations cost him tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and ate up a year and a half of his life before the judge dismissed the case. Simon has since found dozens of other men facing the same situation.

Suriel says some directors of domestic violence shelters for immigrants also run dating services through which they set women up with American men, all the while coaching the women on what accusations to make and when, in order to seize his property, get permanent U.S. residency, and eventually citizenship. These women and the shelter directors are "gaming the system", he says. On occasion, a judge sees through the scam. In other cases, the damage is never rectified.

The recurring themes in these incidents are:

  1. Foreign women enter the U.S. on fiancee visas, marry the men in a couple of months, then claim abuse in order to get permanent residency immediately.
  2. Women are coached on what to say, what to do, and how to act, in order to make the false accusation seem credible.
  3. Men are penalized due to false accusations. In some cases they lose their property, their homes, their jobs. And under the rules specified in the Violence Against Women Act, Citizenship and Immigration Services regularly denies any accused citizen the opportunity to present evidence in his defense.

At http://www.radarsvcs.org/docs/RADARreport-VAWA-Funded-Immigration-Fraud.pdf you can read RADAR Services' Special Report "VAWA-Funded Immigration Fraud" which addresses in detail the ways that VAWA encourages immigration fraud.

This week, we're asking you to contact the investigative team at KPHO in Phoenix who broke the story 5investigates-at-kpho.com to thank them for their excellent coverage of this issue.

Then, contact Arizona Senators John McCain http://mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm and Jon Kyl http://kyl.senate.gov/contact.cfm to ask them to fix VAWA to prevent it from empowering foreign thieves to prey on innocent American men. Please remember to be polite and courteous in all your calls and emails.

Date of RADAR Release: May 19, 2009

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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not to be sarcastic or to engage in blaming the victim, but if I was a man seeking companionship, I would definitely be suspicious about doing business with any dating service run by, or endorsed by, any domestic violence shelter or organization. I dunno though...is it the case that these men, when hooking up with someone, are kept in the dark about the involvement of the shelters?


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