Blue collar U.S. males lose more ground

Article here. Excerpt:

'DALLAS, May 19 (Reuters) - Rodney Ringler is an unemployed blue collar male without a college degree. He's hardly alone. Men like him have been the main victims of the current recession in the United States.
One statistic that stands out in America's recession-stung economy is the unemployment rate for adult men: in April for the second month in a row it surged ahead of the national average to 9.4 percent versus 8.9 percent for all workers. The jobless rate for adult women was 7.1 percent.

The reasons are clear: male-heavy sectors such as construction and manufacturing have been hard hit. But the implications may be dire for the broader economy and hamper the recovery as families that once had male breadwinners struggle.'

And every day we read in the MSM about how hard this recession is on women.

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A man without either a degree or a wife is kaput in our society. Guys get sh** on enough as it is - it seems to me at least, that generally a guy must have at least one of those two things for people to even recognize him as a human being. Specifically if he has always been single - I suppose a divorced guy with a kid might get a modicum of respect, even if he doesn't have primary custody. Finally, people, including employers and strangers, will look askance at any man over forty who is single, no matter what other aspects of status he may have.


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