Joe Biden Peddles Domestic Violence Myths

Story here. A little old (late April of this year) but still relevant. Excerpt:

'Through his work on the issue, he said, he has learned that seven out of 10 homeless children are homeless because their mother is a victim of domestic violence and that 70 percent of women who go to a hospital emergency room are there because of physical abuse from male partners.
Money from the federal economic stimulus package is being made available to the National Domestic Violence Hotline Center and a teen abuse dating hotline, he said. The investment helps saves hospital costs incurred by abused women and addresses the problems of dysfunctional families and children from abusive families who may grow up to abuse themselves, he said.
President Barack Obama's administration also is working with the State Department on an international effort to stop violence against women, Biden said.

The vice president also was attending private political fundraisers in Texas organized by the Democratic National Committee in Austin and Houston.'

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When the FUCK will the MSM take their collective heads out of the sand and realize this statistic is beyond ridiculous.

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read somewhere that a goodly portion of the general population

of the u.s. falls below the retarded level.

FINALLY! a stat i can believe.

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