Canada: Defending men's image against TV stereotypes

Article here. Excerpt:

'• A JR Furniture ad shows a male staff member using a chainsaw to chop in half a showroom sofa, not understanding his boss meant he should cut the price by half.

• A BMO Master Card ad shows a naive husband telling his wife how excited he is about planning for a trip for them to Paris several decades hence; after he slowly earns enough air-mileage points to pay for the long-awaited vacation. His wife looks appalled.

When I recently mentioned some of these ads on my blog, the response from readers was instantaneous and strong. It proved once again that people eat up any issue that has to do with the gender.

Many men, and women, have been noting that commercials, TV sitcoms (such as The Simpsons and King of Queens) and even songs have for a long time played the silly-man card.'

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