Megan Fox: " are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man."

Article here. Excerpt:

'“I have no question in my mind about being bisexual.

“But I'm also a hypocrite.

“I would never date a girl who was bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man.”'

As I said in my previous post on her earlier comments about how she "hates men", boycott this woman. Do not do anything that may lend to her cash-flow. She is a misandrist of the worst kind and is at the same time making her living off of men.

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No surprise there. I am sure she is telling at least half the truth. (I suppose if she actually had sex with a man she'd also be a hypocrite if in fact she were bisexual, since she thinks men are "so dirty". But I also think she is nuts, in addition to anything else she might be.)

The part she is not being honest about, I speculate, is the "bi" part. I mean I am sure she is into women, based on her own proclamation of bisexuality, but I doubt she is into men, based on her recent "I hate men" comments. I have a feeling she is refraining from disclosing the full truth for fear of alienating her source of income, ie, horny guys. Ms. Fox knows can keep the steady cash-flow going as long as she can sell herself as a fantasy to horny guys who would undoubtedly be less willing to pay for her as part of their fantasy-fueling if they believe there would be 0 chance of ever getting sexy with her (even a 1x10^-99999999 chance is enough to get most guys who fall for this sort of crap to keep paying to have their fantasies fueled). Pathetic indeed, in about 100 ways.

But really, I don't care one way or another about her sexuality. I care about what she says. And she says things that wouldn't be tolerated were they said about any other group of people. She is a bigot and a misandrist and worthy of nothing but our contempt.

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This is self-promoting, attention getting, shock statements. The girl is just stupid. Guys, you are lucky that this girl is into chicks. Hopefully her career will be over soon.

I am so sick of this main stream lesbianism. Remember Angelina Jolie was into girls as well. At least she did not say hateful things about men, but still it is just weird. No matter how beautiful or charitable Angelina is, I don't forget things like that.

This homosexuality and bisexuality is way too accepted as normal. I have nieces and nephews in middle school that talk about who is bi, gay or whatever as if it is no big deal or the 'in' thing to be. It is hard to raise kids with a normal sense of sexuality with all this crap out there.

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She probably is a lesbian, most actresses are. She's got her latest movie coming out soon, the Transformers sequel I think. I posted on her imdb page that she is a hateful bitch, typical of the man-hating feminist media. I got replies saying "oh come on no guy is going to mind her calling men dirty".

I agree with the idea of boycotting her movies and other endeavours. We could call for a boycott of her latest transformers movie. How can we get the word out though? Most men would probably laugh at us for suggesting such a thing.

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... if a person announces on the highest mountain and all throughout the world's major media channels that he or she is a bisexual transgendered foot-and-tomato-sauce furby fetishist nymphomaniac/satyriasis who plans on never giving up orgies-- the only thing I care about re Ms. Fox's behavior is that she is clearly a bigoted misandrist. She can talk about how she loves to have sex with women all she wants. She can even say she has little or no attraction to men. But it's another thing when she will bold-facedly say men are dirty or that she hates men, which is to say, a large percentage of the human race, for no other reason than that we are men. THAT is what I have the problem with. But the fact that she thinks this is not going to have an adverse affect on her career (otherwise I assume she wouldn't be talking like this) is just another sign that misandry is not only alive and well in society but some people want to use it to make a buck.

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She's crazier than a shit house rat. When will the media hold her accountable for these misandric comments? Probably never. Eventually she'll give a detailed explanation on why she feels this way. I suspect it will have something to do with victimization. She's obviously easily offended and developed a venomous man hating persona based on something as simple as being rejected by a man. She was most likely dumped by her 8th grade boyfriend an had an emotional breakdown. I would never try and reason with her, its much easier just to give her a prescription of Lithium.

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Perhaps this is good news. Now misandry can be classified as a syndrome of the mentally ill and deranged.

Misandry is a loser's gig. Also, she looks rather grimy herself. Soap and hot water would do wonders for her crappy attitude.

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Unfortunately this is pretty much the kind of thing i expect from Hollywood females her age.I would also like to thank you for telling us about this hideous animal - Ms Fox is now in the running for the Misandrist of the Month award at Porky's Place.

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This lady is really mixed up.

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