Number Of Unwed Moms In U.S. Rising

Story here. Excerpt:

'(AP) The percentage of births to unmarried women in the United States has been rising sharply, but it's way behind Northern European countries, a new U.S. report on births shows.

Iceland is the leader with 6 in 10 births occurring among unmarried women. About half of all births in Sweden and Norway are to unwed moms, while in the U.S., it's about 40 percent.

France, Denmark and the United Kingdom also have higher percentages than the United States, according to the report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.'

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Part of the reason for this is the Marriage Strike.

What enlightened man would ever put himself in a situation where he could be enslaved by a vindictive ex, and family court?

In my home state, they sold lotto tickets with the slogan, "You can't win if you don't play!"

It seems that many men residing in feminazi countries have learned: "You can't lose if you don't play."

Of course that is only partly true since such societies are therefore forced to find other desperate means to enslave men.


Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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I am not so focused on the 'unmarried' part as I am on the 'single parenthood' part (I am assuming that in the US most of these children will be raised without a father in the home).

I don't mind people deciding not to get married, but I think that if you have children then you should be committed to staying together and living under one roof. The article implies that is the trend in Europe. Children deserve to have both parents.

It is sad that in the US single parenthood is viewed as normal and acceptable.

Before anyone points out that I am a single mother, I will say that I did so with the notion that the father and I would be together forever as the father had made that promise to me (I was too young to know better).

It is very difficult to explain it to my kids, as I don't want them to feel like we are a 'bad' family for being a single mother, but I also want to get through to them that it shouldn't be considered 'OK' either.

I also have no idea why anyone would choose to be poor. Raising kids takes a lot of money.

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some people choose to be poor because it gets them free stuff.

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If this behavior was not rewarded, what would the numbers be?

oregon dad

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Where people would never think of living together before being married.
Would the numbers go down?

oregon dad

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without agreement by both parties which create the problem.
there are many many cases of women making unilateral decisions to have a child EVEN WHEN THEY KNOW the male is totally opposed to it.
then they wonder why the man leaves?
she basically abducts and hijacks the man's life and resources and then wonders why he leaves her.

children should ONLY be brought into the world when there is agreement by BOTH the man and the woman, that there is a commitment (marriage, as a prime example of commitment), that there are resources (jobs, money, savings, property, ect), there is a plan (per the commitment, the resources), etc. It would also be good if there were a support infrastructure from both sides of the family.
These were the considerations in previous generations. But that is when marriage preceeded child birth in 95% of cases.

It is always astonishing to see how many folks end up parents without all of the above in place.

oregon dad

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