Ignoramus parents harming child/parent relationships

Essay here. Excerpt:

'Lately I have been getting quite a few emails from parents (mostly fathers of course) who are asking what to do about their ex’s not complying with parenting plan final orders, such as; not allowing full visitation, not allowing phone calls, etc.

Some of these parents are telling me they are going to their local courthouses and asking for help or contacting certain court officials seeking help only to be told, “sorry, can’t help ya”.

Well, they are not blowing smoke in your face, they can’t help you nor do they want to help you. Most attorneys won’t help you either nor really want to get involved, unless of course you throw thousands of dollars down on the table first. Even then they will grab your money and put it in their bank account and slowly forget about you. Why should they be concerned, it’s not their life or their children they are fighting for.'

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