Appeal for support for Irish MRA Mike Murphy

Via Jeremy S.: A very brave Irish Journalist, Kevin Meyers, who wrote the two columns below and has coined the term “Lifeboat Feminists” may be subjected to a negative email campaign by feminists who oppose his writing style. He has requested letters to his editor to provide him support,

I think all of you could understand a man writing this would be subject to a great deal of hate mail. As Barbara Kay, a Canadian female journalist, who writes about similar subjects, points out not many editors would allow their male columnists to continue dealing with these topics under the circumstances. I am asking the MRAs so inclined to write a letter to his editor as shown in his email and mine already completed, to provide solace and encouragement to Kevin. We are not likely see this kind of writing by a man in North America very often, if at all. Links to his articles with respect to feminists are ">here and here and in the columns.

Of note Una Hardester’s mother now has a blogspot blog with a statement to the press on the circumstances surrounding the false allegations. It is here.


Kevin Meyers writes:

Sorry to add to your burdens, and I am extremely grateful for your support, but I have just learnt that a major e-mail campaign against me is being organised on this issue.

If you wish, I would be grateful if you would contact your like-minded friends – and their like-minded friends, and theirs also, and so on - and ask them to publicly agree with me at Your choice, naturally.

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Why would feminists start taking shots at him? He was actually pointing out an area that was unfair to a boy and a woman was held less accountable than a man.

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