Not for women only: Male victims of domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Domestic violence happens to men, too. While statistics show that it is more common against women, nearly 8 percent of heterosexual men and more than 15 percent of gay men are assaulted by a date or intimate partner during their lives.

Domestic violence is also called intimate partner violence or abuse. It can occur in any relationship. A wife can abuse her husband. Same-sex partners can also be victims. This type of abuse often starts in milder forms when a couple is dating. It can continue into long-term relationships and marriages.

It's often difficult for victims of abuse to report their partner. As an abused man, you might also fear ridicule or disbelief. But domestic violence of any kind is not just personally devastating, it's also a crime.

A common part of domestic violence is control. The abuser will try to control his or her partner with threats of -- or actual -- physical, emotional, sexual or financial harm. Domestic violence may start with verbal abuse or gestures like slamming doors. These early signs are not always recognized as a problem. But controlling and violent gestures typically get worse and more frequent.'

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