Moms Beware! Protect Your Adolescent Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'The cycle of emotional and physical damage caused by this type of abuse will last a young boy's lifetime if not worked through in therapy. As a society, we have in the past chalked this behavior up to "young boys just getting lucky" and "I wish I had a teacher that wanted to have sex with me," but these are simply ill-informed statements with total disregard for the true fall-out for these boys.

First, you must know that the women who fall into the "Teacher/Lover" category of female sexual offenders are highly manipulative and groom their victims in a similar way to male sexual predators. They pick vulnerable kids who are looking for attention and approval that may seem lacking within their own home environment.

These women believe they have a "special bond" with the child and usually don't believe they have done anything wrong at all because it was "love." Her motives for the sexual offenses are to teach them sexually and obtain love and attention from the child.'

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