Feminism & Violent Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to a report in the Journal of Men’s Studies, titled “The Feminization of Domestic Violence in America,” contrary to society and the media’s portrayal of women as “recipients of domestic violence...epidemiological surveys on the distribution of violent behavior between adult partners suggest gender parity.”

Once Feminism turned the corner and sought to change the concept of maleness and femaleness, things began to deteriorate quickly.

According to psychologist Dr. Helen Smith, Feminism began to teach women to essentially shed most of their female attributes.

“Feminism taught the current generation of young women to unsex themselves,” said Smith. “The reason they were taught to unsex themselves is because the Second Wave Feminists believed that femininity is inferior to masculinity.“
To be clear, Feminists created a huge paradigm shift in society, and then began to blame men for the poor results, which include a sharp decline in the marriage rate, and a sharp incline in domestic violence initiated by women.'

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