Father faces 100 years for infant neglect

Story here. Contrast the attitudes shown with what mothers get for the same crime with the same circumstances. Another report with more detail found here. Note one piece of press commentary: Our View: Absolutely no business being a parent. I wonder if they would have written that way if the mother had gone to trial first and been convicted? This is a case to watch; we'll see what sentence the father gets vs. the treatment the mother gets. Excerpt:

'(Peoria) -- James Sargent has been found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder in connection to the death of his five-and-a-half-month-old son Benjamin last year.

A Peoria County Judge handed down the verdict Wednesday afternoon, immediately following the conclusion of a three day bench trial.

Sargent is guilty of failing to provide care for Ben including giving him food, water or changing his diaper for up to eight days.
He said Sargent became preoccupied with his relationship with the baby's mother and neglected Ben, but did not do so on purpose.

Sargent faces 100 years in prison due to the act being found as brutal and heinous behavior indicative of wanton cruelty.
The boy's mother, Tracy Hermann, is also charged with his death and is set for trial in August.'

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