UK: Women are 'imprisoned' by fight for equality, claims leading feminist

Article here. Erin Pizzey is one of the few, if possibly only, feminists who has stood up for the truth when it comes to DV. Nonetheless, I am weary of the constant stream of woe-is-me from feminists, if even they are saying "woe" over the abundance of successes they have claimed. Woe when they fail, woe when they succeed. When does the woe-is-me ever stop? Excerpt:

"Women have won the war for equality but it has left many of them imprisoned and exhausted, a pioneering feminist has claimed.

Campaigner Erin Pizzey, who founded the world's first refuge for battered women in 1971, claims the idea of women happily combining a career and a family has proved to be a myth.

The 70-year-old said women's 'freedom of choice' to have both has left them with less spare time than they had before.

But she added that many now did not understand what they had lost.

She said: 'There's been a subterranean war between men and women which has been won by women and they don't actually understand what they've lost.'

The campaigner added: 'I don't think anybody foresaw that what a freedom of choice would do is imprison many.

'Many women, they don't have a choice now, they have to work, they have to work hard, and I just see an exhausted generation of women trying to do it all.'"

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Pizzy made those statements for the purpose of letting people know the chase was illusory, that it was misguided

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