Brazil man's penis severed by girlfriend

Story here. I guess she wouldn't have thought of just, er, reporting him to the police and let them investigate her claims? Excerpt:

'Police say a man in northeastern Brazil had his penis severed by his girlfriend who accused him of raping her daughter.

Police officer Fabio Gaudencio says 42-year-old Isaias Saturnino was sleeping at home last Friday when Maria da Silva used a kitchen knife to cut off his penis.

Gaudencio says Silva fled and remains at large.

Saturnino underwent reconstructive surgery and was in good condition on Monday, but is expected to stay at least two months in the hospital for observation.

Gaudencio says Silva's daughter accused Saturnino of raping her starting at age seven. She is teenager now. He hasn't been charged so far.

Gaudencio said Monday that Silva is expected to voluntarily turn herself in.'

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