He's Dead, She Walks - DV's Double Standard‏

Action alert here. Excerpt:

'This past week in Canada a young man, Adam Cunningham, lost his life as a result of domestic violence apparently perpetrated by his wife. At the time of the initial incident she was charged with assault. Now that Adam is dead the Crown prosecutor declines to charge her further with manslaughter or homicide, and has told the family the assualt charges may be dropped as well, since the victim - who was also the only witness - has died.

See the news video here. (caution, the wounds are graphic)

Note in the obituary the comment that the wife will miss him. We can only imagine what that might mean.'

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Don't these Canadian male domestic violence victims have any damned family members that will do something proactive against the predatory females who get away with crap like this?

I guess male Canadians who see this news video will just say how bad that is and go back to swilling their brewski's and watch hockey!

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I guess male Canadians who see this news video will just say how bad that is and go back to swilling their brewski's and watch hockey!

In addition to advocating vigilantism and criminal activity you've just used what may amount to "hate speech". Congratulations, this puts you on a par with a typical nightly newscast ;)

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Yet more male-bashing, misandry, and blame-the-victim from loser-Luek. So tiresome, so predictable.

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Gotta yellow-card you, Ragtime. "loser-Luek" breaks the no-personal-attack rule. This is a warning.

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Noted. I'll be more observant in the future.

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