Classy Dads: D.O.G.S. program involves men in school life

Article here. Excerpt:

'Altogether, 80 fathers, stepfathers and other men in the students' lives were there one night last week. Counting students and other family members, the total came to about 150. Once everyone was settled in the library, the people at Bolton delivered the message that they want the men to keep coming back.

"Your children need you to be here," said Doreen Sorensen, the principal.

Guidance counselor Rinita Williams and others at Bolton are working to organize a chapter of a national group known as Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students), a school program sponsored by the National Center for Fathering.

The idea is to get fathers and father figures into schools to eat lunch with students, help them with projects and greet them in the halls. Having men around a school can have a positive overall effect on behavior, Williams said.'

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