Equalism blog "Pendulum Effect" interviews available

Justin Trottier was kind enough to interview yours truly for his on-line Equalism web site, http://www.equalismactivism.com/. Justin is also the exec. director of the Center for Inquiry, Toronto chapter. The interview can be found here.

Regarding the introduction on the podcast page though, I just want to point out that I didn't help organize the 2007 Boys and the Boy Crisis Conference, since by then I had relocated from the area, but I was involved in organizing the previous two MR conferences. MANN's own Tom G. was the organizer of the 2007 conference and he was one heck of a one-man band at it, too.

I also want to encourage people to listen to the archived interviews as well, as there is a lot of good commentary and insight available in all of them.

As for my interview, well, I'll be signing mp3's in the lobby. ;)

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