The American Fertility Association Blog declares "Men Lie"

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Nothing makes me happier than seeing a man thoroughly enjoying himself. So I was very happy last night, watching Richard Grazi having a ball, talking with a room full of young women at our most recent Manicures & Martinis event in Brooklyn. His take home message? Men lie.

Did you know that? I had my suspicions, but still….Dr. Grazi confirmed it last night. Yup. Men lie. Why did that little tidbit come up at an infertility prevention event? Hmmmm. Have you ever heard of STD’s?

Oh yeah. One of the key points of the Manicures & Martinis events is a simple one – if you are not currently trying to get pregnant, use a condom. You would be surprised how many women don’t. And the reasons why they don’t got knocked out of the water by Dr. G. over and over again last night. He told them straight – married men lie too. And no man really likes to wear a condom, he said. It feels like wearing surgical gloves when you’re playing the piano.'

Yes, men do lie. So do women. After all, if a man gets an STD from a woman, and she didn't mention it before, was it spread "accidentally" before she knew about it in each and every case? Doubt it. This is simply more gleeful male-bashing, begun in this case by one Dr. Richard Grazi, and happily propagated by a misandrist writing on her blog. Dr. Grazi knows better, or he should anyway, and it strikes me he was playing to his audience and thus taking his one-sided misandry to the bank. Alas, he is not alone in that.

The AFA Blog staff contact page is here. The author of this particular screed's email is

If you do decide to let Dr. Grazi or the AFA know how you feel, please remember to be polite and stick to the facts. Nasty voicemails, cursing, etc., hurt our cause and don't bring enlightenment but only cause others to dig in their heels and claim victimhood. We got enough of that already. What's important here is to let them know they are not going unnoticed in their misandry. That in itself is a very powerful means of reducing this kind of wonton bigotry.

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Men are always giving STDs to women, but I have never heard of where men get the STDs from. This is especially puzzling since women are always honest.

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Always, always, always wear a condom. Even if she says she's on the pill. Women lie...or "forget."

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I find it interesting how the author found the need to say what she had to say three times. Talk about redundance! She should learn how to write.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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