Virginia Apgar, M.D.

A friend pointed this out to me. A woman who got where she went all without trumpeting her victimhood/femaleness at every turn as either a pro or con to all her efforts! She did it all without the help of feminists' whining and bullying, and without doing that herself, too! Imagine that!

If a woman needs hero to look up to, an example of an independent woman who doesn't let her sex be a factor in all her decisions, let her look to Dr. Apgar. Excerpt:

'In 1953, she introduced the first test, called the Apgar score, to assess the health of newborn babies. It is administered one minute and five minutes after birth, and sometimes also at 10 minutes.

While Apgar was frequently the "first woman" or "only woman" in a department, to serve in a position, or win an accolade, she avoided the organized women's movement, proclaiming that "women are liberated from the time they leave the womb".

Apgar never married, and died on August 7, 1974, at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center.'

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any smart, hard working honest person can and probably
(in most cases) should rise to the top. congrat's all way 'round.
a toast, beers on me, and so forth.

however, i guess if you can't compete, you NEED special treatment.

but don't DARE mention it. TYPICAL. sad.

"women are liberated from the time they leave the womb"? circa 1952-53.

if true, it tells me our greats were (generally) MUCH more woman that this bunch of
helpless affirmative action queens we have. sounds like a line a mangina
might use these days to try to appease.

yes dear.

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