Man-to-Man: Time for some fathering

Article here. Excerpt:

'The last couple generations of men are disconnected from their masculinity. They are feminized. That means they have been influenced primarily by women — and men who had little sense of themselves as men — and have grown up to see the world through their mothers’ eyes. As a result, these men continue to seek out other women, rather than men, when they need help with their emotional worlds.

What these men need is to be introduced to something they so desperately needed when they were boys. These men need to be fathered. And it’s not too late.

No matter how old you are, you can benefit from the support of other good men. Seek out a men’s group, reach out to buddies, reconnect with the men in your family, or find a male counselor who can give you the masculine energy and guidance you need.'

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