Public Skeptical Woman Killed, Raped California Girl

Story here. Excerpt:

'TRACY, Calif. — Callers have inundated the phone lines of Tracy police, saying it can't be. Veteran homicide and sex-crime researchers say they cannot recall a case quite like it. Even the investigators themselves looked at the evidence and initially said "no way."

A woman was accused not only of killing someone else's child, but of raping her.
Tracy police Sgt. Tony Sheneman said dozens of callers a day have insisted that Huckaby could not have acted alone, that no mother would rape another's child, that the scenario was too improbable to be true. The case is so striking that police initially shared the public's reaction.
When investigators were first looking at this they went 'Huh, no way... Who did she work with?"' Sheneman said. "We got that info and said 'there's no way, that doesn't happen."
When they do commit sex crimes, women often are acting as accomplices to men, and their victims tend to be teenagers, said David Finkelhor, director of the University of New Hampshire Crimes against Children Research Center.'

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Professor David Finkelhor is full of crap when he says “It's very, very rare for women to molest children.” The Vancouver Sun reports that the largest study of molestation of street kids in Canada found three-fourths of boys on the streets had been molested by women.

According to the Montreal Gazette, a recent study found two-fifths of boys in South African say they have been raped, “most often by adult women.”

Just like other forms of female abuse, this problem is largely hidden because female perpetrators are far less often reported or prosecuted. According to the News Observer in New Mexico, a student survey showed 43% of teacher sex abuse comes from female teachers but over 90% of prosecutions are of male teachers.

You can write to Finkelhor at
and to the Fox news manager at

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Just because men are ARRESTED AND CHARGED far more often then females does not mean that females molesting and killing small children is any less common then males committing those acts.

In many species of mammal that live in groups such as some large cats, wolves, primates in females of the group are often responsible for the slaughter of young (both their own and those of other females in the group) more often then males. It does not seem logical that humans would be different. The only real difference is the value of a child's life that is assigned based on the gender of the person that took it. If a female kills a child the child's life is assigned no value and society pays no attention. If a male kills a child the child's life is assigned maximum value and society demands compensation in the form of severe punishment on the male responsible.

Plus, I do not buy for one second the argument that female pedophilia is somehow rare compared to male pedophilia. Again, the difference, in my opinion lies solely in in the value placed on the child based on the gender of the perpetrator. Female rapes child, no harm done. The child's sexual innocence is not deemed to have had any value at all and the female goes unnoticed by society. Again, the opposite is true for males. All you have to do to begin to corroborate this to observe which gender tends to be MUCH more youth obsessed in general. How many rejuvenating skin cremes are marketed to males? Do you really think female sexual preferences are all that different from their general consumer preferences? There are MANY women who are with older men for financial security but their true preference is for much younger males for pleasure. Not unlike the male pedophiles that are often married for the benefits of a relationship with an adult female but for sexual pleasure prefer much younger females. Men and women are treated differently by society but really in actions they are not all that different. It's just we only take note of male behavior while giving females a free pass.

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Reality check: Women DO molest and sexually assault children.

Stereotype: Women are basically childlike themselves and are entitled to benefits of a doubt and diminished responsibility whenever the rare occurrence of sexual abuse happens. And always seek out the inevitable male in the woodpile that caused it to begin with.
And if the damned statistics don't support this stereotype then make some up or get the statistics that do.

The West is dying!

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