Woman allegedly kills 9-YO daughter then stabs herself to cause a miscarriage

Story here. Excerpt:

'QUINCY, Mass. — A pregnant Massachusetts woman accused of killing her 9-year-old daughter, trying to strangle her 14-year-old daughter and stabbing herself in the stomach to kill her unborn child has been charged with one count of first-degree murder and one count of assault with intent to murder.

The Norfolk District Attorney's office said Friday that 38-year-old Fang Chi Xue was treated for self-inflicted stab wounds to the arms and abdomen at Boston Medical Center and will soon undergo a mental health evaluation. She was 7 1/2 months pregnant.'

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An Andrea Yates Write Off Pass if there ever was one.

1 possibly 2 years in state psychiatric ward then outpatient status with no criminal record.

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Funny how when a man punches a pregnant woman in the stomach to cause miscarriage, he more often then not finds himself on the receiving end of a life sentence for first degee murder, but when a woman kills a 7 1/2 into term (well beyond the point of legal abortion anywhere on this continent), and she faces absolutely no consequences for that act.

Woman kills child = child's life has zero value. She won't even be punished for killing her 9 year old daughter either.

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