Examiner: Some feel we need PSAs for male victims of domestic violence

Story here. Excerpt:

'I have a friend who believes that Rihanna should have been charged in the incident in which she was hurt because she admitted hitting Chris Brown first and that Brown would’ve been acting in self-defense if Rihanna had been a man. I disagree about Rihanna needing to be charged because I find it doubtful that her blows hurt Brown, but this brings to light an entire can of worms about men as victims of domestic violence. I do not doubt that men in homosexual relationships are sometimes abused by their partners, and I am sure that there are some men who are harmed by their female partners. But is this really an issue that requires public service announcements and research and attention? I have heard of plans for some such PSAs in the near future. There are claims that men are victims almost as often as women and that women abuse the use of restraining orders.'

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The old misandrist notion that women should not be held accountable in physical confrontations with a male because of size and strength is bunk.

The point could be made that if Rihanna had assaulted a cop the same way she assaulted this Brown dude she would be looking at felonious assault and serious jail time. Men should have at least the defense cops have when females assault them.

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We've already seen some PSA's on the internet. By this coming June I will have completed 24 units of journalism and media arts classes. That's not a great pace for 1 1/2 years work, but I'm not as young as I used to be. I hope to take more classes, and PSA's are definitely a big part of my future goals.

I'm very tired of seeing all the misandrist lies of main stream media, women's studies classes, the domestic violence industry, etc., etc., etc. going unanswered.

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We need MRAs to represent males in every facet of the media, from journalism to music. Don't worry about the pace, as accuracy is more important than speed. Just keep the fighting the good fight, my friend!

BTW, I agree with Luek. The "women are too small to cause harm" argument goes flying out the window once you bring a weapon into the equation. However, it is not what a person uses as a weapon that causes harm; it is a violent attitude that does this.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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