Abuse excuse: how liberalism keeps women in their place

Article here. Excerpt:

'Liberals have become the unapologetic predators of women, gleefully playing on their fears and psychological vulnerabilities, all in the name of curbing domestic violence. Of course women's only hope lies in heavy-handed state intervention.

Before proceeding, I will warn you this column is filled with high-octane statements made by the willfully dishonest, the social schemers, and the patently unhinged. As you wade through the claims, keep in mind two facts.

First, all forms of violent crime have fallen dramatically in the past 30 years. The incidences of rape, intimate partner homicide, and non-fatal partner violence are now half what they were in 1980. We've made tremendous progress in the last three decades and everyone should be feeling a lot safer.

Second, research shows women are more likely than men to instigate partner violence — http://pn.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/42/15/31-a . But that's one of those inconvenient truths the liberals will never concede.'

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