Quebec dad sued by daughter after grounding loses his appeal

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Quebec father who was taken to court by his 12-year-old daughter after he grounded her in June 2008 has lost his appeal.

Quebec Superior Court rejected the Gatineau father's appeal of a lower court ruling that said his punishment was too severe for the wrongs he said his daughter committed.

The father is "flabbergasted," his lawyer Kim Beaudoin told CBC News.

In its ruling, issued Monday, the province's court of appeal declared the girl was caught up in a "very rare" set of circumstances, and her father didn't have sufficient grounds to contest the court's earlier decision.

The family's legal wrangling started with a dispute over the girl's internet use.

She had been living with her father after her parents split up when he grounded her in 2008 for defying his order to stay off the internet. The father caught her chatting on websites he had blocked, and alleged his daughter was posting "inappropriate pictures" of herself online.'

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the courts couldn't stoop any lower.

letting children sue their parents over
what type discipline is needed? i suspect the
gender of the custodial parent had much to do with this
"honorable judgement".

what a JOKE the judiciary of the western world has become.

wonder why ? $$$$$$$$$$$$

around here we constantly get commercials
(paid for by tax $$ i'm sure)
explaining how the law (state bar ass'n)
protects, judges fairly, serves equality
bla bla bla... gag.

evil has a name and now has an obvious face.
for those who have honest eyes, it's easy to see.

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