RADAR ALERT: Teed Off About Wasteful VAWA Spending? Have a Tea Party!

This April 15th citizens will gather at Tax Day TEA Party rallies in front of city halls all across the country to express their outrage at Congress' wasteful spending. (http://teapartyday.com/)

Like most of the population, the majority of attendees will never have heard of VAWA (the Violence Against Women Act), VOCA (the Victims of Crime Act), or FVPSA (the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act).

But unlike most of the population, this is a motivated group that would be outraged if they knew that through these acts, Congress squanders $1 billion of our tax dollars each year on domestic violence programs that don't solve the problem of domestic violence. And they'd be even more outraged to learn that what we actually get for our $1 billion per year are provisions – slipped into these laws under the radar without any debate – that undermine the very principles of justice that are an essential part of the foundation of any free society. What our annual $1 billion buys us is a heartless system that penalizes millions of innocent people each year, and does so with impunity.

Please plan to attend the TEA party rally in your area on April 15th so you can educate the other attendees on why they should speak out about the harm Congress funds under these laws. Take lots of copies of the flyer at http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/RADARflyer-TeaParty-April15.pdf with you to distribute at the rally. To find where the rally will be held in your area, go to http://teapartyday.com/Locations.aspx.

Date of RADAR Release: April 7, 2009

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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