Men take lead at the unemployment line

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's a "he-cession" out there and, man, it's brutal.

Friday's government employment report is expected to bring bad news about job losses in a tough economy. The pain will be worse, however, for one sex more than the other.

To a much greater extent than in past recessions, men are bearing the brunt.

In December 2007, when the economy started tanking, unemployment ran nearly even at 5 percent for men and 4.8 percent for women. In February, that tally had shot up to 8.8 percent for men and 7.3 percent for women, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The 1.5-point spread is historic, and likely to widen as the overall numbers keep soaring, said Mark Perry, an economist at the University of Michigan in Flint: "I don't see it turning yet."'

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