Sheriff: Woman Fired on Deputy Assisting Child

Story here. Excerpt:

'LEONARDTOWN, Md. -- A sheriff's deputy who went to a home to perform a welfare check found himself in the line of fire Friday, according to the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office.

The deputy made contact with 35-year-old Nancy Martha Ahearn at a Leonardtown residence when he saw an 18-month-old boy pull a bookshelf onto himself, authorities said.

When the deputy went to assist the child, Ahearn went to a closet to get a handgun, according to the sheriff's office. She pointed it at the deputy, who sought cover, and fired.

Ahearn only managed to successfully fire one shot, authorities said, and the deputy was able to disarm her.

Ahearn was taken to St. Mary's Hospital for evaluation. She was charged Wednesday with attempted murder and first-degree assault.'

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I am siding with the woman here. There is no reason for an armed deputy to enter a residence under the pretext of assisting a child that pulled over a piece of furniture PERIOD. Kids do this every day. She was justified in trying to stop this armed intruder from invading her home. I would have done the same thing but would have been a better shot.

This officer good body should be prosecuted with breaking and entering and using a firearm in the commission of a crime.

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I'm sorry, Luek, but you've lost it.

It said that the Sherriff made contact with her. That means she knew he was a police officer and was in her home. He didn't try to hurt anybody, so that throws out the self-defense defense. I'm glad she's being charged with those charges. You never aim a firearm at an officer of the law!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The way I interpreted the article is that the cop was still outside of the home when the incident with the child turning over the furniture happened and he barged his way in under the pretext of aiding the child without the owners permission.

The idea of never using force to stop an illegal forced entry by a cop or anyone else is the same logic that a man is never to physically defend himself against an attack by a woman, both are dangerous and stupid.

Always siding with the cop's version is a major reason we are in the police state we presently enjoy today. We have got to get out of that habit.

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I agree with Luek on this.

How many of us trust the police? No warrant means he should have stayed outside.

Giving more power to the state in an effort to fight feminism hurts us all. I don't want to live in a police state.

How is it that as we trust the police less and less, somehow we give them more and more power?

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Yeah, you're right, guys. What was I thinking?

Wherever there's a problem, firing a gun will solve it! Needless violence is the answer to all our problems!

It is that mentality that got the U.S. into Iraq...

I don't like some police officers any more than you do, but I refuse to lump them all into the same category. I've encountered cops that were complete assholes, but at the same time, I've encountered ones that were very reasonable.

Due to the way the article is worded, we cannot tell whether he was already in her house or outside. If he was in her house already, she had no right to fire at him, as that would mean she had let him in, thereby signifying she was okay with it. If he was outside the house, i suppose what she did could seem a little more justified. However, i really don't agree with shooting at somebody unless they actually attack you or somebody else.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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If he was in her house without a warrant then yes...she had every right.

It isn't hard to see how we lost so much control to the government when even MRA's have fallen prey to the "violence is evil" belief. Let's just be glad our forefathers didn't think like this.

Violence is not evil and violence is probably what it is going to take to stop our out of control government. The whole point of the 2nd Amendment is to use violence (or the threat of violence) when the government gets out of control.

I guess even MRA's are ready to surrender to the police state.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

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You guys can call me whatever you will. I actually like guns, believe it or not, but I just don't have the affinity for shooting at people, unless they are a clear threat to me. I completely disagree with how this woman acted, and I would never act in the same manner.

BTW, your forefathers are not mine as well. My forefathers saw no need for countless people to die, and instead broke away from Great Britain peacefully.

I think an important part of not surrendering to the police state is not to be like the police state itself. A question I wish more people would ask themselves these days is "What would Jesus Do?" (even if you're not Christian, you can rest assured Jesus was a peaceful, altruistic person). I assure you Jesus wouldn't fire a gun on a Sherriff for coming into his home without a warrant. Jesus also said "those who live by the sword will die by it". Sure, you have every right to own a "sword", or in this case, a gun, but if you use it irresponsibly, you'll have to suffer the consequences.


Let's go down to the weapon shop
Go ahead buy an uzi or a nice new gloc
Ain't it messed and it screwey how obsessed we've got
And then when there's a shooting people are so shocked
Instead of goin to the weapon shop
I'd rather blaze a dubie and enjoy some pot
Instead of confusin', tryin' to back some plot
That was really stupid right from the start

Looks like we're gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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