Columnist questions the success of modern feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Particularly in the M.T. case, Ms. Timson blames the girl’s actions on "a very retro scenario," an "ages-old pre-feminist scenario" in which girls believe they have no power on their own. So they convince themselves that they must attract a man and keep him at all costs, even murder.

Pardon me? Girls have turned to murder because they have no power? The truth is, they have turned to murder and "obsessive irrational hatred of one girl toward another, depict[ing] an emotional landscape devoid of respect, conscience or heart," because they have too much power. I don’t mean too much power relative to boys — with whom they are now equals in every real sense — but rather relative to teens of past generations.
Feminism’s attempts to release women from the strictures of the old sexual morality, and the movement’s encouragement for women to act like men, have produced violent girls like M.T. who use their sexuality as a tool, and think nothing of offering up — via cellphone text messages — "bj’s " and "bang bangs" in order to have a perceived rival, Stefanie Rengel, killed. It’s not the technology that’s changed, it’s the girls.'

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He almost got me to think he was actually talking about Feminism. It was a good read, until I got to his "faith-based morals" portion. Im glad to know his opinion is invalidated as of that part.

Ill explain. Why does it matter if a person has morals that are faith-based or empathy based? Why does he only site the pill and abortion? Condoms and spermacides and pretty much any type of contraception do the same damn things. (Except abortion is different, it just irks me that he lays it all out as though we should be ashamed that sex feels good)

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