A bad day for female violence

In today's news section on the front page of Australia's NineMSN, their top 4 stories of the day included 3 stories about female violence:

Court Claim: "Wife admitted to chopping up husband" - Police say wife blasted husband to death with a shotgun, took his body out the back (obviously not a small woman) and chopped him up before hiding bits around the state. Lets see what she gets, my prediction 6 years, out in 3.

Disfigured - Nightclub glassing victim acquitted - A Ms Goldrick admitted pulling a woman to the floor and punching her in the mouth after herself being punched in the mouth, victim a Ms Kelley was also glassed in the face leaving her blind in one eye and scarred for life. Goldrick was acquitted as there was some doubt about where the glass injury came from. I did think that punching someone in the mouth was illegal, obviously not, as she walked free.

Sex Murder - "Desperate Students call cut off" - British holidayer has her throat cut by female flatmate and her boyfriend for not participating in a sex game.

Makes you wonder how our Governments can continue to make domestic and dating violence all about male perpetrators and female victims when the truth is on the front page of Australia's most popular website, day after day. Note also that according to the ABS 25% of violence against woman comes from other woman - in this second story we have just that - a glassing by one woman against another.

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The influence feminism has on society is usually correlated with increased female violence. You see this is in the UK, USA, and other western nations.

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"Note also that according to the ABS 25% of violence against women comes from other woman"

I believe this number to be completely under reported. I believe the real number should be around 80-89%. Likewise I believe that the numbers for men would be the same. Men fight with men, and women attack each other at about equal numbers, although sometimes by proxy. But those are not "newsworthy" numbers. How do you gin up viewers and/or ratings by saying that violence against women is predominately perpetrated by other women? Seriously how "sexy" does that headline sound?

However, I am glad to see that more reporting is being done the amount of female violence and their bad behavior being done, instead of just sweeping it under the rug as is usual done.

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Its good to see the truth is coming out!

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