Trying to avoid trouble is a ridiculous reason to cry 'rape'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Do teen girls really believe it's easier to claim false rape to their parents and police than to face the consequences of their own dumb actions?

For the second time in less than six months, a south suburban teen has acknowledged lying about a sexual assault to avoid punishment.

In the most recent case, 19-year-old Heather Krueger, of Tinley Park, told police last week that she was attacked while on her way home from the South Side Irish St. Patrick's Day Parade. The assault, she said, happened in the 80th Avenue Metra parking lot in Tinley Park.

Within two days, though, she recanted her story and admitted fabricating it to deflect the wrath she would face from her parents after they learned she had been celebrating in true Irish fashion.
Teen girls never should be given the message that crying rape is a good way to get out of trouble, even if they are having emotional problems or can't face possible consequences of their actions. And filing a false sexual assault report because you might get caught drinking? I am sure a lot of teens went home Sunday and had to face the music after celebrating at the parade, but they didn't waste police time and resources searching for an attacker who doesn't exist.'

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At first, I thought great, a woman who relizes crying rape falsely is wrong. However, it then occured to me, this is the year 2009. It should be obvious to anyone that falsely claiming rape is idiotic. And I'm the kaveman? I think not.

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'Do teen girls really believe it's easier to claim false rape to their parents and police than to face the consequences of their own dumb actions?

When crying rape is often lucrative (in Canada anyway through victim's services funds) and rewarding as the person crying rape is treated like a princess and held up as a national hero, then yes. Yes it is much easier to cry rape then face the music when you are female and have done something wrong.

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False accusations of rape is rape.

High time to make these false accusers major felons and imprison them as rapists. End of story.

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