UK Telegraph: 'Men in the classroom'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The news that more than a quarter of England's primary schools do not have a single male teacher might not seem very alarming: in recent years we have come to think of this area of teaching as the preserve of women. In fact, the statistic is testament to a mighty failure of our education system, and one that needs to be put right as soon as possible.

The counties of Hertfordshire, Derbyshire, Essex, Surrey, Hampshire, Lancashire, Norfolk and Cumbria each have more than 100 schools with no men teachers. These findings come from the Government's Training and Development Agency, which also discovered that 83 per cent of parents were unhappy with this situation. How has it come about? There are many factors, but one of them is a grossly exaggerated suspicion of paedophiles – a fear that it is not safe to leave children alone with men. On the contrary: it is not only safe but also necessary to employ properly qualified men to teach children under 11. Boys in particular need male mentors, especially if they do not have one at home.'

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Many people have been blaming men for the financial crisis. Considering female teachers are the majority, shouldn't they be held accountable for the failures of the education system?

Wait, that would incorporate accountability. It just doesn't work that way when speaking of women.

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