MND: Obama Women’s Council Tells its First Lie
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Maidens of Mendacity are at it again, only this time they're speaking from the bully pulpit that President Obama himself established. A couple weeks ago President Obama established the White House Council on Women and Girls. During the March 11 ceremony, Obama explained, "It's not enough to only have individual women's offices at different agencies, or only have one office in the White House."
The very next morning the Office's director, Valerie Jarrett, went on NPR Morning Edition. This is what Jarrett had to say: "Domestic violence is still a major issue, not just for women but also for girls."
Each year an estimated 600 Americans are struck by lightning - that's according to the National Weather Service. And each year fewer than 1,500 Americans - men and women - are murdered by their intimate partners.'
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Link over to the NPR story in question, too.