Journalist to discuss boys at education seminar

Article here. Excerpt:

'Veteran investigative journalist Peg Tyre will be the keynote speaker at the Mississippi Association of Partners in Education's upcoming state seminar.
Tyre, former senior writer at Newsweek, is author of “The Trouble with Boys: A Surprising Report Card on Our Sons, Their Problems at School and What Parents and Educators Must Do.”

Tyre will explore issues related to boys' academic performance and why a disproportionate number of boys are high school dropouts. The state seminar also includes the Governor's Awards luncheon and training opportunities for education professionals.'

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Lets hope these type of seminars continue without feminist influence. Groups like NOW would love to get their grubby hands on boys to regurgitate manipulated statistics that they're all abusers. The modern teenage boy must have such a low self esttem.

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