Top ten men's health myths

Article here. Excerpt:

"2. Men don't use health services as much as women

WHO SAYS? Everyone; this myth is repeated so often you’d assume it’s gospel. Your other half will delight in using it as a stick with which to beat you all the way to your GP’s door.

HOW WRONG IS IT? It’s a distortion of the truth.

GIVE ME THE FACTS Women do use health services more than men, but that’s because they have more reason to. As a bloke, you’d get funny looks if you booked for a smear, ante-natal check, Pill prescription and so on. True, you’re the proud owner of a prostate and pant-tackle that the girls don’t have. But these are easily trumped by lady’s problems involving breasts and gynaecology. Now do the maths: subtract from female health service use the strictly girlie stuff, then do the same for men. You’ll find that at least 60 per cent of the apparent male v female difference in doctor door-stepping vanishes."

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