"The real question is for Chris Brown" (or "masculinity is intimately tied to violence")

Article here. Excerpt:

'How do we teach boys to be men? How do we respond to these first incidents of violence in order to prevent escalating incidents in the future? What is our commitment to educating teens about healthy relationships? What values do we perpetuate in our media, music and marketing? What are we willing to do to keep repeat perpetrators of domestic abuse contained before they kill their partners and/or children or move from one victim to another?

In America, masculinity is intimately tied to violence, and the sooner a boy learns that, the easier his passage through adolescence to manhood. Just listen to the names classmates and teammates call boys when they choose not to embrace violence: “sissy,” “girl,” “fag,” “homo” — and worse. Homophobia and violence against women and girls are intricately linked. The quickest way for a boy to prove his masculinity and thereby avoid being bullied is to be violent against someone weaker.'

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