'Hoodies, louts, scum': how media demonises teenage boys

Article here. Excerpt:

"The portrayal of teenage boys as "yobs" in the media has made the boys wary of other teenagers, according to new research.

Figures show more than half of the stories about teenage boys in national and regional newspapers in the past year (4,374 out of 8,629) were about crime. The word most commonly used to describe them was "yobs" (591 times), followed by "thugs" (254 times), "sick" (119 times) and "feral" (96 times).

Other terms often used included "hoodie", "louts", "heartless", "evil" "frightening", "scum", "monsters", "inhuman" and "threatening".

"We found some news coverage where teen boys were described in glowing terms – 'model student', 'angel', 'altar boy' or 'every mother's perfect son'," the research concluded, "but sadly these were reserved for teenage boys who met a violent and untimely death."

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The article is more about teenagers than boys, for example in one place it says,

"For much of the press, there is no such thing as a good news story about teenagers."
That is the general spirit of the article. It's not really an article about misandry, it just seems that way to optimistic MRA's.

Who knows why they didn't include girls - the study was done by some women's group, so maybe they didn't want to acknowledge violence among teenage girls; or maybe they had an agenda to push about teens, and they knew boys would yield the kind of data they needed.

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