World Net Daily: 'Barack against the boys'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Barack, however, has it backward: It is boys, not girls, who lag behind – and have for decades.

The 1972 federal law Title IX saw billions funneled into sex-based affirmative action programs. Schools – primary, secondary, tertiary – were feminized and boys demonized. The very system Obama has just reinvigorated has already instituted what Dr. Bruce Perry, a Houston neurologist, calls a "biologically disrespectful model of education." Disrespectful to boys. "Girl behavior [has] become the gold standard," seconds psychologist Michael Thompson, Ph.D., coauthor of "Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Lives of Boys": "Boys are treated like defective girls.

And when the defective "suffer" bouts of boyness – competitiveness, aggression, hyperactivity – they are punished, or medicated.'

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