Mayor Bloomberg Launches the New York City Commission On Women's Issues

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mayor Bloomberg Launches the New York City Women's Resource Network as Part of Women's History Month Celebration!

On Thursday, March 5, 2009, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced the launch of the NYC Women's Resource Network, a free, online, searchable database of over one thousand nonprofit organizations and government agencies that provide a variety of services to women and families in New York City.'

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Bloomberg recently announced cut backs within the NYPD, especially with recruitment. One could argue NYC is losing law enforcement to fund a women's commission.

{Cabaret Voltaire}

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that we are sacrificing in areas like military readiness,
fire protection, police protection, and sooo many others,
so SOME groups can receive SPECIAL treatment, and act imperious.

disgusting really. pitiful. insane. pandering.

all for the further benefit of the most pampered group of humans
to ever have breathed God's good air on this earth.

westernized females. wonder what history will say about this crazy
bunch of prima donnas, and their male feminized cheerleaders (manginas)?

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