"Shooter deliberately targeted women" - or did he?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Smiling happily for the camera, these are three of the teenage girls shot dead by a crazed gunman at a German school.
Authorities believe he deliberately targeted women as 11 of his 16 victims were female.
All three teachers were women and eight of the children were girls. More than a dozen other teachers and pupils were injured.'

I commented to the article as follows. Doubt it'll get published, but here it is:

'Before a claim that he was targeting females over males can be made, you have to ask yourself what the male:female ratio of students is in the school. Here in the US our last couple of birth cohorts have been markedly female. As many as 70% of our college students are female. In some counties especially in northern states in the US, the M:F ratio is 1:3 in high schools. So jumping to conclusions about the shooter's gender-based murder preferences here is a bad idea.

Food for thought: if most of his victims were male, would anyone be talking about that? If the shooter were female and most victims male, would anyone suggest she specifically targeted boys?'

Doubtless some casual visitors to MANN will interpret my posting as a defense of the boy's behavior. Nothing could be further from the truth. What I am criticizing is the authorities/press' tendency to jump to these kinds of conclusions without a discussion of the facts that may or may not support the claim. As for the shooter, well, he was a little monster and he earned his death at the hands of the police.

Oh yeah, notice there are no pictures of the male victims of the shooter anywhere in these stories? Guess they're not as important as the female victims.

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Why? Most teachers are women. Girl students are treated better than the boys in school. It happens every day. I think boys are starting to get pissed off or are losing their way and are so frustrated they don't know what to do anymore.

Boys are told to sit down and shut up, act like Jane or we will drug you. Women are in charge, boys and fathers/men are useless.

I see alot more boys growing up hating women including their mothers and sisters.

So, am I surprised by this? Not at all.

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Look at all the mass shootings going on. It offically out of control. And guess what: there are always men doing the shooting! Within a few days we have two mass shootings occur: this one and another one in Alabama killing 8 people. There was another one just before Christmas; we've all heard of that I think, with the divorced man.

Now many people like to brush the etiology of these events off as men just being the more violent sex, and so this is why its always men and this is mainly why they do it. I think there are more forces at work here than just that. Yes men are innately more violent (mainly because they had to face more situations of violence in our evolutionary history), but then why didn't shootings like these happen all the time 40, 30 or even just 20 years ago? Just take a look at all the shootings that have happened since about 1999 or so, THEY'VE SKYROCKETED COMPARED TO PREVIOUS YEARS!! Has men's biology changed to become even more violent in just 20 years. Obviously that's impossible. Therefore, it is obviously a cultural thing that is happening here. Increasingly, more and more men are losing it, and they're losing it because they are living in misandric society that constantly demonizes and ridicules them. News analysts (if you can attribute the word analysis to these people at all)almost never see it from this angle. And scholars who do are usually male feminists who rightly focus on the conditions going on in society that influence men to do things like this but often see it as a problem that must be solved for the sake of women and children. That would be fine if the considered the men themselves who are pushed over the edge and our society's negative potential to keep on doing just that. Wouldn't it be the wise thing to do to put forth the message to the people who are actually pushed to do this that someone shows concern for you and you're not lower than pond scum? No. Almost just the opposite message gets out there. And now we average about one mass killing every two months in western society. We are totally in shambles and massive change needs to occur PRONTO!!

Why piss and shit all over the sex that is most likely to do this kind of thing and endanger the lives of everyone in society? THAT'S the sex you push over the edge with constant dismissals and denigrations, eh? How insanely idiotic is that? Things have to change PRONTO!!!!! Sam Cooke used to sing that "a change is gonna come". We can alter that slightly to "a change is gonna HAVTA come", or we're all going to end up dead.

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This will become a regular occurance at feminist schools. The feminists think they're tough belittling and picking on little boys. They diagnose them with "special needs" if they refuse to submit to their feminist indoctrination, or drug them into compliance. When the boy they have been abusing for years finally becomes a young man he seeks to take revenge upon those that have wronged him. If this guy did target females deliberately it should be a wake up call to the idiots running the schools. Feminism and feminists hatred and abuse of boys in the education system and society can no longer by tolerated.

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So what if he targeted females mostly in his attack?

Does that make the tragedy any more tragic?

Not in my book!

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I really believe the victim machine wants this incident to be some kind of attack against women. Then they can cry on cable TV chanting MISOGONY and BOO HOO -- everyone hates us.

Note to women: these are isolated incidents, no one hates you. I certainly don't.

Note to Feminists: Stop scaring women into believing men are evil.

{Cabaret Voltaire}

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Instead of demonizing boys, lets try a constructive way to help and empower them. I think society forgets, boys are children.

'I'm A Boy' by The Who

'One girl was called Jean Marie
Another little girl was Felicity
Another little girl was Sally Joy
The other was me, and I'm a boy

My name is Bill, and I'm a head case
They practice making up on my face
Yeah, I feel lucky if I get trousers to wear
Spend evenings taking hairpins from my hair

I'm a boy, I'm a boy
But my ma won't admit it
I'm a boy, I'm a boy
But if I say I am, I get it

Put your frock on, Jean Marie
Plait your hair, Felicity
Paint your nails, little Sally Joy
Put this wig on, little boy


Wanna play cricket on the green
Ride my bike across the street
Cut myself and see my blood
Wanna come home all covered in mud'


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I've been buried in my studies and have not watched much news, so this article is my only source of info on this tragedy.

But I think it is likely he was targeting females, and I really don't care. It does not make it any more or less of a crime in my opinion.

I think when most people hear about this incident they will think "what a tragedy" and wont even think in terms of 'women hater'

I am more inclined to assume that he was more influenced by the preferred treatment girls get in the educational system, and the breakdown of traditional families.

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It seems to me that there is a book that you would likely find very enlightening: "Legalizing Misandry" by Nathanson & Young. It is the second book in a series of three on the topic of the growth of, and maintenance of hating men. If you're serious about MRA issues, it is a must-read.

In this book there is a chapter which describes a horrific shooting which took place in Canada some years ago. It was a male shooter, and he also killed I think more than a dozen women on a university campus.

The authors assert that the incident in Canada was used by radical feminists to incite hatred and fear of men and boys. It gave rise to a moral panic, which helped the passage of a long laundry list of laws unfavorable to men and boys.

The headlines splashed across the news and the general media spin after this most recent shooting, suggests that history might be repeating itself.

Likely, in a few short months or years, life for men and fathers and boys in Germany, is going to suck. Big time.

So I'm not surprised that the story ended up on the MRA site.

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Life already sucked for men in Germany Belgorad.

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Thanks, Belgorod, that explains alot, and why men have such a concern about what happenned.

I feel like I have been living under a rock because I have been so busy, getting ready for finals and then state exams (I will have a bachelors degree in nursing) as well as doing internship at the hospitol. I have had no time for current events or watching TV. This posting of the shooting is the only thing I have heard about it.

I will put that book on my list of 'must reads' but my list is getting pretty long. I have read so many text books lately that I can hardly wait for a break.

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