Binghamton University paper: Share some responsibility, women need condoms too

Article here. Excerpt:

'Imagine that a woman gets up in front of a group of other women and says that women don’t need men, men are stupid, men are useless and women don’t need men because women are better than that. That’s OK, she would be on “The View,” “Oprah” and everything in between. She would be a star. Now imagine the same scenario only it’s a man doing the talking and saying the same things — men don’t need women, men are smarter, better, blah blah blah. What would be the reaction? He wouldn’t be on “The View” anytime soon, that’s for sure. But the outrage would definitely be memorable. Women are allowed to call themselves better than men and they are considered strong and confident, but a man says he is better than a woman and he’s a pig.'

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