THE MO'KELLY REPORT: The 'Other' Side of Domestic Violence Coin

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yes, violence against men is the “other side,” the less talked about side and often the more controversial side of domestic violence. The prevailing question is “At what point is a man ‘allowed’ to use force in the defense of himself?” Let this story be a perfect example of how to handle oneself.

The boyfriend was cut in the cheek but nowhere in any published report has Mo’Kelly found any mention of him striking her back.

Good for him. No…GREAT for him.

This is another teachable moment my African-American brothers. Really take a closer look here.

For his trouble and good sense…she’s the one in jail, not him. He is enjoying his freedom and she will languish in jail until their court date, whenever that may finally be. If he hits her (self-defense or not), they both are likely arrested and it then devolves into a situation of her word against his, her injuries versus his.

Do understand, from what we know about this case, it seems the boyfriend would have been well within his “right” to inflict bodily harm on the woman. When a person is charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, defending oneself is probably in order. Not only that, judging by the lack of wounds in the above mugshot, Ngeskebei was the likely aggressor.

To bring this full circle once again…the boyfriend likely could have also responded with violence, a weapon of some sort and the only result is both parties are arrested and someone possibly ends up dead.

It’s likely that the boyfriend along with an injured face has an injured ego. Any woman who hits a man is out to emasculate as well as injure. Ending up in The Mo’Kelly Report because your woman tried to kill you is not a boost to a man’s ego, you can best believe.'

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Personally, I don't agree with the double standard where a woman can hit a man but the vice-versa is never appropriate. I would love to repay the favour to any woman who struck me. However, due to the double standards in the legal system, a man really does have no choice but to call the police when a woman attacks him like that. This is because if there is evidence of injury on the woman, the police will take her word over the man's.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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