UK: Tougher powers to target abusers

Article here. Excerpt:

'A consultation to tackle violence against women in England and Wales has been announced by ministers.

It will consider applying more powers against those convicted of domestic violence, and better ways to pass information between police forces.

Ministers are also considering giving police the right to ban offenders from the family home for a fortnight.
Ms Smith has called for a national debate on the issue and has asked police to report back on the powers they need to get a grip on the problem.

She said the consultation may also consider sharing information on those convicted with women going into relationships.
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith told the BBC: "Any violence against women, inside the home, or outside the home, is unacceptable.
The latest Home Office figures for 2007/8 show 2.2% of women of any age said their partner used minor or severe force against them over the last year. The figure for men was slightly lower at 2.0%.'

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