Saudi Arabia: Violence Against Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'A not so well-known fact is that there are thousands of men who suffer from physical or verbal abuse from their wives, but they have to keep their suffering private, because of the social stigma attached to reporting it.

“If you mention the issue of ‘battered men’ in the East, the first reaction is usually laughter, followed by scorn. Women are now more aware of their rights through the media and Internet. They get frustrated when deprived of their rights and this causes an enormous latent aggression which drives them to verbal and physical abuse to give vent to their feelings,” said Professor Chamman Rahim, a lecturer of Social Sciences in Dar-Al-Hikmah College at Jeddah.
She always starts beating me without any provocation. One Friday night I was playing cards with my friends and she came over and pushed me off the chair and told my friends to leave home,” he said. He said that when they argue, his wife throws things at him accompanied by verbal abuse, and at one point even threw a phone at him which cut his forehead and left a scar.

“I’ve never hit her back, because I am not that type of person and I do not want to leave her because of the children,” he said.'

It's encouraging to see that men from all parts of the world are now speaking up.

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