Author Equates Domestic Violence With Torture While Ignoring Male Victims
Article here. Excerpt:
'Taking this step asserts that domestic violence ranks with the gravest human rights violations and that violence in intimate relationships is no less heinous and damaging than violence in official prisons and interrogation “booths.” The tortures authorized by U.S. officials against male detainees in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, including methods of sexualized humiliation and fear-induction, bear strong resemblance to what is tolerated as “domestic” violence.
While women are not the only victims of domestic violence, we are overwhelmingly so. Because of its disproportionate effect on women, domestic violence is also viewed as a brutal form of discrimination against women. It is notable that, despite the international recognition of gender violence as a grave violation of human rights principles, U.S. constitutional law does not accept domestic violence as either a civil or human rights violation.
Likewise, the state perpetuates violence and torture when the state takes away the victim’s children, arrests her on the perpetrator’s say-so or when the judicial machinery is so riddled with sexism or racism that domestic violence victims are reluctant to use it. The result is to discourage recourse to the state, notes Natalie Sokoloff.'
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"tolerated as 'domestic' violence."(!!!)
This person must, now I'm not even joking, must have some kind of psychosis that produces delusions to a searingly high degree. She psycho babbles about the Justice system being riddled with sexism against WOMEN! AM I not mistaken, or is California still the only State that even recognizes that men can be victims of domestic violence too--and more often then people know--and that only happened recently (I don't keep up that well really; can someone tell me if any other state does?).
It just seems hopeless. I suppose its pointless to come here on this board and complain about these hopeless fools. Maybe that is why not many people comment on this site anymore. I hope there is a GOOD REASON why there aren't as many people commenting on these boards as there used to be though. I hope you're all out fighting the good fight in at least some small way. I guess is would be time to try and get out there and stop message boarding ourselves up, talking to each other, preacing to the converted, and getting nothing substantial done.
This article is a waste of time
Feminists claimed that feminism was a progressive thing for the world. The writer of this article seems to think it's the 1950s or something. She also seems to believe that men rarely suffer from domestic violence. Why should I bother to read the work of somebody who is clearly in the dark regarding the world in this day and age? That's a question I couldn't answer, so I decided to stop reading it about two thirds of the way through.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!