'Ladette' binge-drinking violence soars by 300% in just seven years

As a kind of companion piece to the article I submitted yesterday about the 'model' who disfigured a young man because he was laughing at her:

Ladette binge-drinking violence soars by 300% in just seven years. Excerpt:

"Violent attacks by binge-drinking teenage girls have risen by nearly 300 per cent in seven years in a frightening wave of ‘ladette’ violence."
Hundreds of thousands of women have signed up to online forums where they boast about their antics and proudly post pictures showing them in various states of inebriation and undress, including kneeling over lavatories, being sick, exposing themselves or answering a call of nature in public.'

The gentler sex, eh?

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but if one of these poor drunken dears wakes up next to a man she drug back to the cave. his ass is very likely looking at a rape charge and prison time.

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They are truly scum!

I feel very sorry for any boy/young man who has to grow up with these obnoxious entitlement bitches. Grown men also have very few choices in a partner of any decent quality. Leaving the west was the best decision I ever made.

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It was none less that Erin Pizzey who said, "women are capable of the same level of physical violence as are men, and they are much more psychologically violent than men". Those are her words.

(for those who don't know, Pizzey is the woman who started the first domestic violence shelter for women. She has repeatedly stated over the decades, that men need these services too. For that she has been excoriated by feminists.)

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