Woman murders husband, uses false allegations to try to get out of trouble

Story here. Excerpt:

'Gilbert police say Marissa Devault left behind a bloodied hammer that was used to beat the head of her husband, who would become the town's first homicide since 2007.

Dale E. Harrell, 34, survived nearly four weeks after undergoing surgery to remove part of his brain following a 2:45 a.m. Jan. 14 attack that left him critically injured in the master bedroom of the couple's home on the 2100 block of East Maplewood Street, according to a police report released Friday.
"By Marissa's own statement, she would have continued to assault with the hammer if not stopped by a third party," an investigating officer wrote.
In a call to 911, Devault stated her husband choked her during an argument, a police report states. She also claimed Harrell was attempting to sexually assault her, yet "evidence at the scene did not support the information," one detective wrote in the report.'

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Of course they will play the Bloody Mary Winkler card to beat the charge. It is S.O.P. now!

All she has to do is say to the jury the brute made her wear tacky platform shoes and a $5 K-Mart wig during sex and she walks!

Why any man would get married in today's misandrist climate is beyond comprehension unless he has a death wish which more than likely will be granted probably when he is asleep!

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It's amazing how whenever a woman commits a crime of this magnitude, they always will try to act like they are the victim. I've never once actually heard of a female criminal taking responsibility for her crimes. This includes female pedophiles and how they try to rationalize their inappropriate relationships by claiming they were in love. It's so ridiculous. It is a sad world when women are not held accountable for their actions, and men are punished for crimes they did not even commit.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Of course, they have to let her go now. She said the magic password: domestic violence. Just in case, ya know?
Let Equality flourish, the chips fall where they may.

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