Reader essay: "Male Dominated Society! Really?"

Full article here. Excerpt:

"'Male Dominated Society'...Now that's such a phrase that's been ingrained in our minds since the very childhood... The boys are told that its a male dominated world, so they don't have to worry, just dominate the world. Girls on the other hand are continuously taught, that since its a male dominated world out there, so they need to dominate 'their' male partners at home and around. Sounds familiar?

Well, amongst all these 'teachings', has anyone stopped for a while to look around an ask a simple question... Is it really true? Is it really a male dominated society? Do we call it 'male dominated' just because the number of men working outside the house is more than the number of women?

To answer this question, I'll try to start by digging some past, then look at the present and try to project some future too!"

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"If you were from another planet, say Switzerland, and you only knew these two facts-1) Men earn most of the money, and 2) Women spend most of the money-what would you assume about who is holding whom by the whatchamacallits and swinging the person who owns the watchamacallits around in the air while yelling, "I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!?"

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Well, around 20% or so of early twenty year old guys I believe are at home not working, so mommies are gonna have to start paying for there unemployment. Women already earn higher by about 15-25% on average in large cities than men, which I believe is the segment of the population that enabled Obama to win the election, mainly because of his concern with the wagegap.

Gogo sensationalized media dictating elitist/victim gogrrrrrrrl actions.

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